Monday, April 25, 2016

Brentwood Arts Festival

I just participated in the Brentwood Arts Festival this past Sunday, the 24th. The weather was great, there was great attendance and the music was good but there were very few sales (at least in my area). I don't know if it was due to all the attendees were getting over the shock of paying their taxes or if Passover had something to do with it but it was disappointing. This is the 3rd time I've participated in this. First year was good, second year - no sales and third year - poor sales. It takes a lot of work to get everything organized, load up the car, drive to the site, unload, spend a couple of hours organizing ones' booth space and hanging artwork. Then 8 hours later, pack up everything, load the car and drive home. Very exhausting. I'm going to give it one more chance and if things don't improve, I'm not going to participate in that one any longer. I did hand out lots of brochures and business cards, got very positive responses from the people who stopped by my booth so perhaps, I made a good contact that will offer some future purchases. Still very disheartening.

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